A Millisecond is a unit of time equal to one thousanth of a second or 1/1,000 of a second or 10-3 of a second. One millisecond conains 1000 microseconds. The symbol of millisecond is ms. The speed of reading or writing to a hard drive or a CD-ROM player is measured in milliseconds.
In measurement terms, ‘nano’ means “billionth”. A nanosecond is a unit of time equal to one billionth of a second or one thousand millionth of a second which is equal to 1/1,000,000,000 of a second or 10-9 seconds. A nanosecond is equal to 1000 picoseconds or 1/1000 microsecond. The symbol of nanosecond is ns. Many computer operations are measured in nanoseconds. The speed of reading and writing to Random Access Memory(RAM) is measured in nanoseconds.
How to convert Millisecond to Nanosecond
1 ms = 1000000 ns
Example 1:
Convert 15 Millisecond to Nanosecond
1 ms = 1000000 ns
Therefore, 15 ms = 15 * 1000000 = 15000000 ns
Example 2:
Convert 50 Millisecond to Nanosecond
1 ms = 1000000 ns
Therefore, 50 ms = 50 * 1000000 = 50000000 ns
Millisecond to Nanosecond conversion table
Millisecond(ms) | Nanosecond(ns) |
0 | 0 |
1 | 1000000 |
2 | 2000000 |
3 | 3000000 |
4 | 4000000 |
5 | 5000000 |
6 | 6000000 |
7 | 7000000 |
8 | 8000000 |
9 | 9000000 |
10 | 10000000 |
11 | 11000000 |
12 | 12000000 |
13 | 13000000 |
14 | 14000000 |
15 | 15000000 |
20 | 20000000 |
50 | 50000000 |
100 | 100000000 |