A Minute is a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or 1/60 of an hour. The symbol for minute is min. The term “minute” comes from the Latin, Pars minuta prima, meaning “first small part”. One hour contains 60 minutes and one day contains 1440 minutes.
A Millisecond is a unit of time equal to one thousanth of a second or 1/1,000 of a second or 10-3 of a second. One millisecond conains 1000 microseconds. The symbol of millisecond is ms. The speed of reading or writing to a hard drive or a CD-ROM player is measured in milliseconds.
How to convert Minute to Millisecond
1 min = 60000 ms
Example 1:
Convert 15 Minute to Millisecond
1 min = 60000 ms
Therefore, 15 min = 15 * 60000 = 900000 ms
Example 2:
Convert 50 Minute to Millisecond
1 min = 60000 ms
Therefore, 50 min = 50 * 60000 = 3000000 ms
Minute to Millisecond conversion table
Minute(min) | Millisecond(ms) |
0 | 0 |
1 | 60000 |
2 | 120000 |
3 | 180000 |
4 | 240000 |
5 | 300000 |
6 | 360000 |
7 | 420000 |
8 | 480000 |
9 | 540000 |
10 | 600000 |
11 | 660000 |
12 | 720000 |
13 | 780000 |
14 | 840000 |
15 | 900000 |
20 | 1200000 |
50 | 3000000 |
100 | 6000000 |