Use the below conversion tool to convert a binary number to Hexadecimal number:

Binary Number
Hexadecimal Number

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Binary number

Binary numbering system uses only two symbols 0 and 1. Each digits of a binary number is referred to as bits. Binary system is also known as base -2 system. Each digit is represented by the increasing power of 2 from the LSB (Least Significant Bit). Binary system is the heart of digital electronics and is used for information flow. In digital electronics, 0 and 1 are used to denote logic states, high and low. Arithmetic operations are also possible in binary system.

Hexadecimal Number

Hexadecimal number system uses 16 different symbols to represent a numeric value. It uses numbers 0 to 9 and alphabets A to F for representation. . The place value of each digits of an hexadecimal number varies as the whole number powers of 16 starting from the right (Least Significant Digit). The first single digit number in hexadecimal system is 0 and the last is F. Similarly, the first two digit hexadecimal number is 10 and the last is FF and so on. It is used as an alternative for binary numbers by developers and programmers.

Read More: How to convert a binary number to a hexadecimal number

Binary to Hexadecimal conversion table

Binary NumberHexadecimal NumberDecimal Number
0001 00001016

Example-1: Convert 1111102 to Hexadecimal number

Split the binary number to a bits of four starting from the right.

0011 1110

From the above conversion table:

Binary number00111110
Hexadecimal number3E

Hence, 1111102 in its binary form is equivalent to 3E.

Example-2: Convert 110111002 to Hexadecimal number

Split the binary number to a bits of three starting from the right.

1101 1100

From the above conversion table:

Binary number11011100
Hexadecimal numberDC

Hence, 110111002 in its binary form is equivalent to DC.

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